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Transport & Logistics
August 2023

the brief

I had the privilege of partnering with Velox Carriers, a leading provider of specialized services in long-distance transport, local distribution, and warehousing. Their commitment to excellence and efficiency sets them apart, connecting the commercial centers of Cape Town, Durban, and Johannesburg seamlessly.

Our mission was clear: design a modern website that captures the essence of Velox Carriers and showcases their impressive fleet of vehicles. Beyond aesthetics, we aimed to enhance communication. We integrated a website contact form for streamlined inquiries and WhatsApp integration for instant connections.

The result? An online platform that reflects their commitment to reliability and efficiency in logistics. Explore Velox Carriers and experience the future of transportation solutions."

SKILLS / tools

UX Design
Graphic Design
UI Design
This site was designed for a client of Pathfind Media. Creative work and imagery are owned by the client themselves and is subject to copyright.

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